kendall paige ellison | calligrapher & designer


Hello! My name is Kendall, and I am the calligrapher and designer behind Ellis Paige. I am so glad you are here and interested in creating together! I have the great joy of living in College Station, Texas (whoop!) with my husband, Jon, and our daughter, Tatum.

I am a believer, and my faith is the heartbeat behind all that I do. I believe that my talents and gifts are not my own, but have been given to me to steward and use to bring glory and honor to the Lord. I also believe marriage is a gift from God. As His holy and beloved, we were created for relationship. Marriage is a sacred and public promise between a man and a woman to sacrificially love and honor each other forever as a living testimony of God’s grace to the world. I love getting to create custom wedding stationary as my artistic expression to celebrate the beauty of this covenant.

If I am not creating, you can probably find me on a walk with my family, working on a diy project in our home, baking sourdough bread, cooking a new recipe to have friends over for dinner, or discipling college girls. My highest calling is to be a mama to my precious little girl, so I only take on a limited number of weddings each season. If you believe we would be a good fit, please reach out using the Inquire button, and I will be in touch soon.

I look forward to getting to know you!
